Your Student Has P.E. On The Following Days:
KINDERGARTEN: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
FIRST GRADE: Monday, Thursday, Friday
SECOND GRADE: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
THIRD GRADE: Monday, Tuesday, Friday
FOURTH GRADE: Tuesday, Wednesday
FIFTH GRADE: Wednesday, Friday
This year, your child will come to the gym for P.E. 2 or 3 times per week depending on their grade level. Students in grades K-3 have Physical Education 3 times each week while students in grades 4-5 come to the gym twice a week. On the days that your son or daughter has P.E. they will need to have clean tennis/gym shoes in order to participate in class. Sandals, crocks, flip flops, boots, etc. are not appropriate for running and playing in the gym. Having appropriate shoes is important for the safety of the students and it also helps to keep the gym floor in good shape. Recently there have been a couple of types of shoes that have been popular with students that are not safe for wearing in the gym. Any shoes that have wheels (even though they are detachable) on the bottom or spinning discs on the toes (Bella Ballerina's By Sketchers) are not allowed in
the gym's hardwood floor. If your child does not have gym shoes on a day that they come to the gym for P.E. they do have the option of borrowing a spare pair from me so that they are still able to participate.
*I am not asking anyone to go out and spend $ on new shoes...but if you do happen to be shoe shopping, please consider velcro shoes if your child does not know how to tie their own shoes. And in the mean time, if you can spend some time teaching your student to tie their shoes, it will save all of their teachers lots of time at school and it installs a great sense of pride and accomplishment for your child!
How Can You Contact Mr. Vogt?
The best way to contact me during the school day is via email. You are always welcome to email me with any questions or concerns at
And you can also reach me on my school phone at (248) 956-3145. But since I am teaching during the day, I do not get to check my voice mail as often as I check email. And as always you are welcome to post comments on my P.E. Blog as well if you like.
Thanks for checking out the latest edition of my P.E. blog and I look forward to sharing more news, pictures, and videos of our great students very soon!